"He's cloaked in black, but he's not wearing a cloak. Black clothes. I should have said that he's clothed in black."
"No ferrets were hurt in this gaming session."
"Hermetics have a secret language."
-- "Ello-hay! Are-ay ou-yay ermetic-hay?"
"It's 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Gradually, I'm going to get shorter."
"Newbury Street comes alive."
-- "Uh-oh! Will it eat us?"
"Let me know exactly what you're going to do."
-- "So you can fuck it up, Mike?"
"You know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men."
-- "Mike likes to fuck them up?"
"Have you ever studied the similarities between human beings and a donut?"
"Andy, you're a donut."
--"I'm a donut. That's all I have to say right now. I'm a donut."